Rest and recreation

The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has a variety of rest and recreational facilities its personnel can enjoy for free or at a concessionary rate.

HomeTeamNS (HTNS) clubhouses

HTNS was established in recognition of our National Servicemen’s contribution to our nation’s safety and security. It caters to social and recreational needs as a private club. After you are enlisted, you will be eligible to apply for a HTNS membership at a concessionary rate and enjoy the wide range of recreational and sports facilities available at four premium clubhouses.

Free visits to places of interest

As the SCDF is a corporate member of selected local attractions, you can apply for free visits to the following places of interest:

  • Alive Museum
  • ExplorerKid
  • Jurong Bird Park
  • River Safari
  • Sentosa
  • Singapore Discovery Centre
  • Singapore Flyer
  • Singapore Science Centre
  • Singapore Zoological Garden
  • Wild Wild Wet